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  • 10 Feb 2025 9:25 AM | Anonymous

    The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is preparing to change the claims payer for the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program. Beginning May 5, 2025, CLTS claims will be processed by Gainwell Technologies, which is also the fiscal agent for ForwardHealth. You can attend a training to learn how to submit claims and view your authorizations.

    When is the training?

    The trainings will be held online through Microsoft Teams at the dates and times listed below. 

    If you have experience with and are comfortable navigating websites and online submissions, you are encouraged to attend one of the following trainings:

    • Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from 10–11:30 a.m.
    • Thursday, February 27, 2025, from 5–6:30 p.m.

    Register for the February 19 training

    Register for the February 27 training

    If you need more help navigating websites and online submissions, you are encouraged to attend one of the following trainings:

    • Thursday, February 20, 2025, from 10–11:30 a.m.
    • Tuesday, February 25, 2025, from 5–6:30 p.m.

    Register for the February 20 training

    Register for the February 25 training

    The registration email will come from Gainwell Technologies, not DHS. Don’t forget to add the training to your calendar using the Add to Calendar link once you’ve registered!

    What if I can’t be there?

    The trainings will be recorded and posted to the CLTS Provider TPA transition webpageafterward so those who cannot attend can refer to the information later.

    More information

    For more information on the transition to the new claims payer, refer to the Children’s Long-Term Support Program: Third-Party Administration Transition page of the ForwardHealth Portal.

  • 10 Feb 2025 7:54 AM | Anonymous

    Joan was an Emeritus Clinical Professor, Speech Language Pathologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Illinois-Urbana and her Master’s Degree from the University of Connecticut-Storrs. Joan’s clinical interest at the Waisman Center in Madison included the treatment of children’s speech delays, stuttering and other fluency disorders.  More information is available here.

  • 24 Jan 2025 11:04 AM | Anonymous

    Opportunity to Test New CLTS ForwardHealth Portal for Providers

    The claims payer for the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) program will transition from WPS to Gainwell Technologies in May 2025. The Department of Health Services and Gainwell Technologies invites you to test our Submission Sandbox (SETE testing) in the ForwardHealth Portal before the system goes live.

    Participating in the Submission Sandbox allows you to test portal functionality before it goes live in May 2025 without disrupting any actual claims.

    Portal functionality includes, but is not limited to:

    • Direct entry of claims into the portal.
    • The ability to copy a claim in paid status to a new claim for editing.
    • Creating claims from authorizations.

    If you are interested in participating in the Submission Sandbox, email the Gainwell Technologies CLTS Operations Team at by February 7. The Submission Sandbox testing date will be shared as soon as it becomes available.

    For more information on the CLTS claims payer transition please visit our transition webpage

  • 21 Jan 2025 9:06 AM | Anonymous

    WSHA remembers longtime member Theodore "Ted" Tweed.  We're grateful for his impact on audiology in Wisconsin. Join us as we reflect on reflect on all that he did to serve our patients, train our students and advocate for our profession.  The obituary is available here.

  • 14 Jan 2025 11:40 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to the 2025 WSHA Award Recipients!

    Honors of the Association
    Julie Gamradt

    WSHA Salutes Outstanding Service
    Sue Lethlean
    Betty Zientara

    ASHA Foundation Clinical Achievement
    Courtney Seidel

    Rolland J. VanHattum
    Lisa Kirby-Mangas

    Audiologist of the Year
    Maria Hemenway

    SLP of the Year
    Katie Jacobson

    Student Mentor
    Kristin Murphey

    Student Leadership
    Cassidy Laue

    Join us at the convention where we'll recognize these individuals for their significant contributions to the profession!

  • 29 Oct 2024 8:36 AM | Anonymous

    The 2025 WSHA Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, February 6 during the Annual Convention at the Ingleside Hotel in Pewaukee, WI. Nominations are needed for all awards! Please consider submitting a nomination (or two!). The nomination process is quick and painless. Visit the WSHA Website ( to review the award description and submit your nomination today! Then make plans to join us for the reception in February. 

  • 10 Sep 2024 7:56 AM | Anonymous

    It is with great pride and enthusiasm that we announce the recipients of the 2025 WSHA Foundation, Inc. Scholarships.  

    We will be awarding $20,000.00 in scholarship awards this year to outstanding graduate students in your programs!  This year we have increased all of the scholarship amounts and received a record number of applications for the WSHA Foundation, Inc. Scholarships!

    The scholarships will be presented at the WSHA Convention on February 6th at the Ingelside Hotel in Pewaukee, WI.  Please attend to support these wonderful recipients!

    Here are the talented and gifted future professionals who are make up the 2025 recipients:

    Vicki Lord Larson and James R. .Larson Research Grant
    Maryann N. Krasko - University of Wisconsin-Madison $3,000.00

    Risa Mari Otto Scholarship 
    Karen Zielke de Picado - Marquette University $3,000.00
    Emily Castillo - Marquette University $3,000.00

    Jack Kile Scholarship
    Mariana Ibanez-Baldor - University of Wisconsin-Madison $2,000.00

    Judith H. and David J. Ward Scholarship
    Kyra Saylor -  University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire $2,000.00

    Heart of Healthcare Scholarship
    Morgan Lutgen - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point $2,500.00

    Friends of WSHA Scholarship
    Meghan Borowski  - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire $2,500.00

    Nancy McKinley Scholarship
    Cassidy Laue - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater $2,000.00

    Please consider donating to the WSHA Foundation, Inc. 

  • 18 Jul 2024 7:32 AM | Anonymous

    Recently members of WSHA’s Medicaid Committee met with representatives of the Department of Health Services (DHS). Purpose of the meeting was to follow up on issues presented in February addressing barriers encountered by providers when seeking services for Medicaid members through the prior authorization (PA)/adjudication process. Positive changes obtained from providers were shared:

    • number of questions on returned PAs has decreased

    • requests for submission of ABA plans of care have decreased

    • approvals for members with complex diagnoses over the age of 6 have been noted

    Providers have observed a new pattern utilized by reviewers. Approval messages include a list of items to be addressed should a subsequent PA be submitted. Reportedly, this has been helpful and has resulted in approval of subsequent PAs. Providers also reported “cut and paste” questions and requirement to provide language-age equivalents for members with complex habilitation/rehabilitation needs continue to appear on returned PAs.

    DHS presented recent data on the adjudication of durable medical equipment, i.e. speech generating devices (SGD). 305 SGDs (98% of submissions) were approved from September 2023 through February 2024. The most common reasons cited for returns on these PAs were:

    • missing manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) for requested accessories

    • missing documentation, e.g. PA forms, prescriptions, face-to-face requirements, clerical errors

    • request for IEP

    • face-to-face and prescription requirements were not met

    • functional use of SGD across settings was missing

    Members pointed out SLPs provide recommendations for SGDs and accessories, but the vendor frequently fails to provide pricing information. Following collaboration with school-based SLPs it is difficult to obtain IEPs. DHS suggested providers go back to vendors, CESAs, special education directors, Children’s Long-Term Support Council to address these issues.

    WSHA’s Medicaid Committee is seeking information from providers on their experience with the PA process. Please submit questions or concerns pertinent to the issues described above and to report other barriers accessing/providing speech/language services for Wisconsin’s Medical Assistance members. (not .com)

  • 16 Jul 2024 11:56 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Dawn Merth-Johnson, WSHA Past President and longtime volunteer, on receiving the ASHA 2024 Dorothy Dreyer Award for Volunteerism.   

    The Dorothy Dreyer Award for Volunteerism may be given annually to one individual who has made significant and outstanding volunteer contributions to ASHA and serves as a model of volunteerism to others. Individuals may be nominated for exceptional contributions that have had subsequent impact on the professions, ASHA members, and clients. These contributions may have occurred over a defined period of time or over a period of many years and may include service on various ASHA committees, boards, councils, Board of Directors, and/or the ASHFoundation.

    WSHA is also proud of Dr. John Heilmann, Dr. Thomas Sather, Dr. Audra Sterling who received ASHA Fellowship.

    Fellowship is one of the highest honors the Association bestows. To be awarded Fellow, the nominee must have made outstanding contributions to the discipline of communication sciences and disorders.

  • 1 Jul 2024 8:03 AM | Anonymous

    Dearest Colleagues, 

    As I begin my term as President of WSHA, I want to thank our outgoing President, Jen Eggert for her tireless work on behalf of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists over the past two years. We appreciate all your work to support students and professionals. 

    I am excited to continue with all the great work, advocating on behalf of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists throughout the state. We have wonderful educational and advocacy plans for the upcoming year, which I am looking forward to being involved in.  Most of all, I am thankful for the trust you all have put in me to support students and professionals throughout the state.  

    The future of the professions is bright! 


    Cindy Lund

    Pictured here are Jennifer Eggert and Cindy Lund

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The Wisconsin Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Association is pleased to provide a variety of resources that we hope will be helpful to WSHA members and consumers.

If there are additional resources you would like to see included in this section of our website, please let us know!

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563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54316

Phone: 920-560-5642

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